About 80% of all the cases we are handling are related to China. I strongly feel the need for lawyers who can act as a bridge between Japan and China, as well as lawyers who are familiar with the laws and the judicial system of both countries.
Based in Japan, I frequently travel to and fro China and do business in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong, which are China's economic centers.
Japan and China both have differences in terms of culture, so there needs to be some changes in providing legal services.
The Chinese, in particular, value their honor, so they tend to seek for solutions that place emphasis on aspects other than money. Although it may not be rational at an objective standpoint, it can be said that their cultural background has a big influence over rationality in terms of dealing with issues. In this situation, it is our role as lawyers to look into both rational and cultural aspect of the matter to be able to provide the best solution and utmost satisfaction for the client.
Also, being involved in providing legal services comes social responsibility, so a lawyer also has to take great care when deciding to accept or decline a case. There are clients who try to fabricate evidence to win their cases. It is expected of us, lawyers, to guide these clients to the right path and to put forth every effort to win their case through a fair and proper process.
Thankfully, in the past few years, our office became a household name, helping us get most of our clients through referral or word of mouth. Since a lawyer-client relationship is established based on trust, we believe that being referred to a lot of people is one proof that they highly commend the results of our services.
We have gained more opportunities to be featured by external organizations and media because of my recent appointment by the headquarters of People’s Daily in Beijing as the director and legal adviser of People’s Daily Overseas in its monthly Japanese issue, and my appearance on a TV program that broadcasts in Chinese.
Even our clients receive legal service requests from a wide range of groups including state-owned businesses, prominent people of culture and business owners, as well as famous celebrities. When I learned that my office has become known in China because of providing legal services to matters concerning China and Japan, I became very happy.
Whenever I accept clients from a wide range of industries that cater to matters between Japan and China, there are some things that I keep in mind. It is to understand the culture of China and how they go about with their business and to pay respect to it. If a Chinese client is forced to do the Japanese way of doing work or business just because they are in Japan, we will not be able to gain their trust and establish a good relationship with them.
Also, because of my job as a lawyer, there are times when I have to fight head-on against my very own country and to stand in defense of the person receiving intense bashing from the public eye. Moreover, we sometimes stand in defense of Chinese clients in cases that could potentially stir up international issues between China and Japan.
The most important thing to remember in times like these is to stand by your clients no matter what and to speak in their defense. Sometimes, lawyers also take in some of the criticism and blame for their clients whenever they are subject to harsh attacks from the public eye and mass media. However, even in such cases, they are expected to stand together with their clients and to fulfill their job in representing them and providing legal support. Without this toughness, one will not be suitable to become a lawyer.
Also, a lawyer’s ultimate job is to clearly determine their clients’ victory or defeat. That is exactly the reason why I’d like to fix my eyes on winning; otherwise, I believe that I will fail as a lawyer.
Leaders, in particular, should have a strong mental state to stay on top of things no matter the situation. To make it possible, it is important to gather experiences, always walk forward with a positive, and to continue being a forerunner of the area of law. Furthermore, it is also important to have a grateful heart towards people around you. If one keeps this kind of disposition at work, I believe that they will become mentally strong. As for me, I also had to develop my mental strength while overcoming a lot of walls.
In the future, I am planning to venture into the world of politics while further mastering my craft as a lawyer. As a lawyer, I have seen a fair share of legal loopholes in my years of experience working in this world. That is why I also have this strong interest in the process of lawmaking, which can only be done when one goes into politics.
アメリカの新聞であるThe New York Times(ニューヨーク・タイムズ)から「次世代リーダー」に選ばれ、平成30年12月13日、香港のペニンシュラホテルで受賞式が開かれました。